Monday, October 22, 2012

Monkey Murdered

the Bernardsville Country Club held it's Tick Open golf tournament on october 21st. on short notice the event had a great turnout and it turned out to be a beautiful day, fall colors with sun and a nice breeze, warm. the groundskeeper had been battling the falling leaves and the ever growing grass the whole week and although victory was not achieved the eight holes of the BCC course were playable. the members came from far and wide, most by car some by deadly vespa. they gathered at the BCC Patio to begin, dr. todd was presented the Octopine Trophy for his closest to the pin shot of 4'11" at last years Tick Open, groups were chosen and the tournament started. time and sunlight being a major concern.
thoughts of combining the event with an inter-club competition were dissmissed but did influence the first round groupings. derek, tony, jeff, todd and mike mcann saw touchdown tony, "best player not to have won a backyard championship", make his opening statement with 3 birdies and 10 points. the group of billy jo, pops, mike r. and pete battled to 5-5-5-3 respectively. randy, chris, matt, newcomer adam(-ski) joined the groundskeeper in the last group, the reigning champ showing good form with 3 birdies and 11 points. it was also during this round that this BCC reporter witnessed an astounding shot made by rodeo clown matt, on #4 Octopine (103yds) matt birdied from some 45 feet with his putter, a shot that would have even shocked jeff wood (first man to play with a putter at the BCC). this new technique, the talk of the tournament, followed matt into the final.
scores were tallied at the BCC Patio, the weber grill was started and the seeded qualifying round began shortly after. scramble was the word for the second round, less birdies, with points had by all, all the while enjoying a fine array of foods brought by the membership at the BCC Bar-B-Q. the other rodeo clown mike mcann won closest to the pin honors and the Octopine Trophy. after the scorecards were turned in we had five competitors in the final, the reigning champ (18pts), two former BCC champs (billy jo 10 & mike r. 11), a wacky putting rodeo clown (matt 12) and a man with a monkey on his back (tony 12).
 the first shot was heard at #1 OK Corral (95yds), a birdie, were tony had to share points with matt, after he had made another ridiculous birdie putt. on the next two holes, #2 One Bad Apple (127yds) and #3 Sight Unseen (113yds), everyone got on the board with pars and shared points. the second shot was heard at #4 Octopine when tony holed out a long chip shot to make birdie, but again having to share points, this time with mike. the monkey had definitely been hit.
shots rang out again at #5 Octopine's Revenge (83yds) where tony made the sole birdie, pulling away from the field. the monkey was now mortally wounded. the kill shot occurred at #6 Pine's Gauntlet (109yds) tony standing over a near tap in, bang. nothing could stop him now, not even the groundskeeper's taunts of "his tournament to lose" could change the course of history. the monkey was dead.
no miracle comebacks today, what we heard at #7 Big Roundup (129yds) were not shots, no, it was more like a "thud". when tony made par the monkey fell off. Touchdown Tony D'anna 2012 BCC Tick Open Champion!!! the verdict is in, the case is closed. the monkey is dead, long live the monkey!
 the BCC thanks all it's members for making it the special day that it was. A BCC production

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