Wednesday, September 21, 2011

finally, a TICK OPEN, plus...

so there it is, on Oct. 9, 2011 the Bernardsville Country Club will hold the Tick Open. tournament starts at noon. BYOB & BYOBarB-Q.

the summer's gone, where did it go? how fast does the grass grow? this year? more than i have ever known. alas, poor summer, but it is time. and for us, another time to gather, to meet, and to compete for the the coveted silver BCC Cup! the Bernardsville Country Cllub proudly presents it's seasons final, and only, golf event, the Tick Open! as it be, and as rumor has it, there is a chance that the long overdue inter-club championship might be held during these proceedings. unfortunate as it might be, and with an official protest over the Quantus Certamaninus pending, the BCC would do everything it could to continue this friendly inter-club challenge. i look forward to seeing you all. viva la BCC, long live the BCC! BCCNews

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