Monday, November 3, 2008

BCC Halloween Bash

the “speakable” highlights:well they did it again! on nov. 1st the groundskeeper and company (G-artist, rev.simpsinatra, P.T.PuppetShow, FMB, w/louie z.& J2J) set up their three ring circus on the grounds of the Bernardsville Country Club, filled it with scary spectacle, fine entertainment, added a bunch of good friends, deliciously tasty toxins, and then lit the fuse. BOOM! in what could be the last sequel in the cookie monster series for the BCC membership, this party really took off.after food, drinks and “dessert”, the P.T.PuppetShow started off things with a bang, literally. when rev. simpsinatra sang the haunting “summer wind” and then was shot by someone backstage, red blood splattering across his white shirt just before the curtain closed. oh the look on his face, but the show must go on! and it did, but so did the shooting. P.T. was shot twice, mortally after completing his high wire act! the Magic Shoe? shot. Rocky, the new and improved, smoking squirrel? shot. Project Genesis? possible sabotage. Socks? shot. leaving Dino, P.T.’s loyal sidekick, to sing the closing theme song “am i blue?” all alone, so sad. then he was shot. upsetting yes, but you must remember, they are only actors and this is just a show.luckily, and by popular demand, the BCC Scavenger Hunt this year was shorter and easier. the three groups ending up at the haunted barn after they combed the BCC grounds looking for clues and gathering creepy items. once there, a winner was announced, that being the Tiger Woods group with Cleopatra and some vampires, fabulous prizes were given out, all the while being serenaded by rev. simpsinatra, aka, bobby jones. warm weather made for wonderful outdoor fun. the stars, the stars, the bright beautiful stars.

as for the BCC Halloween Bash Costume Contest, well hopefully it’s not a sign of the times, voter fraud was rampant, some were found not to be of voting age, winners were declared and then rejected. no decision was made! frankenstein, marilyn monroe, sarah and her moose, sgt. lori, honest abe, the rodeo clown and the cowgirls, a couple of pirates, toxic man, death, the werewolf and an IBM, princess laya, lucifer and the devil dog, and all others mentioned, with no winner! and in the morning the trophy was gone! stolen by some joker no doubt. the BCC management would like to say that it does not condone this type of behavior. it will not happen again!(above) the groundskeeper as jeff drietlein as frankenstein!!it's 10 o'clock, do you know where your children are??? well, do you???is this the first time you've had a chocolate chip cookie?of the mechanical bull he said,"i'd ride it if i had a buck!"the party then migrated back to the BCC clubhouse fire and listened to a short set by the Frozen Monkey Band. abe lincoln on bass, ha ha. at about this time things started getting a little fuzzy (well maybe it was the whole time), anyway, some members left, some left a little later, and some didn’t. some party. some season. BCC NEWS


Joker said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! FYI Frankenstein recounted the votes and declared the Joker, The Winner!!! Jokes on you! J

Joker said...
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Dr. Mark said...

Great Party!!! Tiger Woods should have won!

Cleopatra should have won nice ass award!

groundskeeper said...

not only is the joker a thief, he's also a lier. but what would you expect?

Joker said...

ha ha ha...Bobby Jones, you make me laugh. Dr. Mark, If there was an ass would of won! I'm not finished with you Simpson. ha!

groundskeeper said...

the joker needs help....

Joker said...

Yeah, Help lighting the place on fire! With the help of Frankenstein, a freak like me, we will give the BCC the enema it needs. lol ololol ha ha ha hah ahaaa..

groundskeeper said...

what can be done with this joker? it's a violation! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy! return the trophy!return the trophy!

Joker said...

There seems to be a little confusion on my part. It appears that I thought Dr. Mark was my retard friend Mark F and mistakenly called the wrong Mark an ass. Forgive me, I seem to be loosing my mind. he he he he...Will the bcc please post a photo of Mark F so that everyone knows who I am talking about. A past photo will do. he he he

Unknown said...

BCC must be getting more well known with pros like Tiger making a stop on the tour.