On short notice, once again, the Bernardsville Country Club held a Second Christmas & New Years Eve party on january 9th, 2010 for it's members. giving a chance for the BCC groundskeeper to catch up with old friends after his return from warmer parts of this world. the members enjoyed a delicious pot luck meal, headed by chef tony (chicken and mushrooms, sausage and peppers) along with the cooking of louie and stacy, team zhelesnik (butternut squash soup, broccoli rape, a great salad), with strong assists by lori r. (special potato skins), pete "the eagle" johnson (hoboken bread), kurt & may (box of cheese and treats), tequila jeff (pigs in blankets and desserts) feola (probably brought some port). new members dr. mark with his lovely wife and her equally lovely friend lisa also stopped in for the holiday festivities. the groundskeeper had entertainment available but none was needed as mike r. and members enjoyed christmas music by the roaring fire place, the BCC christmas train with double christmas trees, the BCC ping pong stadium and dancing in the Elvis Room, maybe even a daring sleigh ride into the dark to see the stars! the party was on! the fire was kept lit into the wee hours of the morning, while the hole wide world is fast asleep. christmas gifts were exchanged, new years wishes were made. some members said good night, but many stayed. rooms were reserved, there were couches by the fire, eventually the BCC members did retire (well jef d. drove home at 5am, vhat!). but it was only hours before the sun did rise and then, the smell of coffee (rise cheryl! rise willy!), of apple bacon pancakes (rise maxie! rise bruce!), another fire (where's jef?), and this party started again! more sledding! more, more, more and more all again...